PCI Error Messages

PCI Error Messages

Here I am giving the list of most common PCI error messages with their description.

1. Bad PnP serial ID checksum

The serial ID checksum of a Plug-and-Play card is not valid. Try replacing the offending expansion card.

2. Floppy-disk controller resource conflict

The floppy-disk-controller has requested a resource that is already in use by another device. Try clearing the resources that are requested by the PnP system.

3. NVRAM checksum error, NVRAM cleared

The Extended System Configuration Data (ESCD) was reinitialized due to NVRAM checksum error. Try rerunning the ISA Configuration Utility (ICU). If the problem continues, replace the NVRAM IC or replace the motherboard.

4. NVRAM cleared by jumper

The "Clear CMOS" jumper on the motherboard has been transferred to the Clear position, and the system has been initialized. CMOS RAM and ESCD have been freed, and now must be reconfigured.

5. NVRAM data invalid, NVRAM cleared

Void data has been found in the ESCD (which might mean that you have modified devices in the system). When this message is displayed, the BIOS has already edited the ESCD with current configuration data. Try rebooting the system.

6. Parallel-port resource conflict

The parallel port requested a resource that is already in use by another device. Try clearing the resources required by the PnP system.

7. PCI error log is full

More than 15 PCI conflict errors have been identified, and no additional PCI errors can be logged. Deal with the PCI errors already contained in the log to lessen the total number of errors.

8. PCI I/0 port conflict

Two devices requested the alike I/O address, resulting in a battle. Try clearing the resources required to allow both devices to be rightly configured.

9. PCI IRQ conflict

Two devices requested the same IRQ, resulting in a conflict. Try freeing the IRQs needed to allow both devices to be configured appropriately.

10. PCI memory conflict

Two devices requested a similar memory resource, resulting in a struggle. Try clearing the memory needed to allow both devices to be suitably configured.

11. Primary boot device not found

The designated primary boot device (hard disk drive, or CD-ROM drive) could not be detected. Check the installation and configuration of each boot drive.

12. Primary IDE-controller resource conflict

The primary IDE controller has requested a resource that is already in use. Try emptying the resources that are required to allow the IDE controller to operate.

13. Primary input device not found

The designated primary input device, such as the keyboard or mouse (or other devices if the input is directed), could not be found. Check the installation and configuration of all your input devices. Be sure that the input devices are also enabled in CMOS setup.

14. Secondary IDE- controller resource conflict

The secondary IDE controller has requested a resource that is now in use. Try freeing the resources that are required to allow the IDE controller to operate.

15. "Static device resource conflict" or "System board device resource conflict."

A non-Plug and Play ISA card have requested a resource that is already in use. Try reconfiguring the ISA card to use other resources or try clearing the resources needed by the ISA card.

See also: