PHP - How to Sort an Associative Array in Descending Order According to Key?

PHP - How to Sort an Associative Array in Descending Order According to Key?

  • PHP
  • 1 min read

krsort() function in PHP is used to sort an Associative array in descending order according to the key.

The Syntax of krsort() function is given below:

krsort(arrayvariable name);

Here is an example on krsort() function:

$a=array("8"=>"kolkata","3"=>"barasat","2"=>"delhi","4"=>"bongaon");//here "8"(key1)=>"kolkata"(value1),"3"(key2)=>"barasat"(value2),"2"(key3)=>"delhi"(value3),"4"(key4)=>"bongaon"(value4)

Output: Array ( [8] => kolkata [4] => bongaon [3] => barasat [2] => delhi )

Firstly, the Associative array $a is containing 4 elements. krsort($a) is sorting the array elements in descending order according to key, and the function print_r() is using to print the array.

See also: