Python DictReader Examples

  • Python
  • 3 mins read

In this post, I am giving some examples of Python DictReader method to read the CSV files. For the following examples, I am using the customers.csv file, and the contents of the CSV is as below.

Lex,De Haan,515.123.4569,AD_VP

Read CSV File Contents Using DictReader in Python

In the following Python program example, it will read the CSV file and print the contents on the screen.

import csv

with open("customers.csv", "r") as csv_file:
    csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
    for lines in csv_reader:


OrderedDict([('FIRST_NAME', 'John'), ('LAST_NAME', 'Erns'), ('PHONE_NUMBER', '515.123.4568'), ('JOB_ID', 'AD_VP')])
OrderedDict([('FIRST_NAME', 'Lex'), ('LAST_NAME', 'De Haan'), ('PHONE_NUMBER', '515.123.4569'), ('JOB_ID', 'AD_VP')])
OrderedDict([('FIRST_NAME', 'Alexander'), ('LAST_NAME', 'Hunold'), ('PHONE_NUMBER', '590.423.4567'), ('JOB_ID', 'IT_PROG')])
OrderedDict([('FIRST_NAME', 'Bruce'), ('LAST_NAME', 'Ernst'), ('PHONE_NUMBER', '590.423.4568'), ('JOB_ID', 'IT_PROG')])

Access Columns Through First Header Line of CSV Using DictReader

In the following example, it will read and print the first name, last name and job id by using the header row of the CSV file.

import csv

with open("customers.csv", "r") as csv_file:
    csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
    for lines in csv_reader:
            print(lines['FIRST_NAME'], lines['LAST_NAME'], lines['JOB_ID'])


John Erns AD_VP
Lex De Haan AD_VP
Alexander Hunold IT_PROG
Bruce Ernst IT_PROG

Using the FIELDNAMES Clause in DictReader Method

In the below example, it will create the fields list in the columns list variable and then will print the first three columns.

import csv

with open("customers.csv", "r") as csv_file:
    columns = ['FIRST_NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'PHONE_NUMBER']
    csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file, fieldnames=columns, delimiter=',')
    for lines in csv_reader:
            print(lines['FIRST_NAME'], lines['LAST_NAME'], lines['PHONE_NUMBER'])


John Erns 515.123.4568
Lex De Haan 515.123.4569
Alexander Hunold 590.423.4567
Bruce Ernst 590.423.4568

You can notice, that the above program also prints the header row, which you can skip as shown in the following example:

import csv

with open("customers.csv", "r") as csv_file:
    columns = ['FIRST_NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'PHONE_NUMBER']
    csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file, fieldnames=columns, delimiter=',')
    for lines in csv_reader:
            print(lines['FIRST_NAME'], lines['LAST_NAME'], lines['PHONE_NUMBER'])


John Erns 515.123.4568
Lex De Haan 515.123.4569
Alexander Hunold 590.423.4567
Bruce Ernst 590.423.4568

See also:

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Becca

    Is there a way to generalize the code so you can use the same code on any file? So you don't know how many columns are in the file or their variable names and you wouldn't be able to define the column names.

    1. Vinish Kapoor

      Using the delimiter only, you can handle this.

    2. Becca

      I am not too sure how to implement this; I don't use dictReader often so I am not very familiar on how to work with it

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