Things You Should Know Before Learning Oracle

Things You Should Know Before Learning Oracle

Currently, Oracle Database is the No. 1 database software in the world no doubt. Because, when it comes for performance with high-security and plenty of options, big companies rely on Oracle database for their software applications. And what,  are you planning to learn Oracle Database to build robust database applications? Then don't worry here I am giving some fundamental things you should know before learning Oracle.

1. Prior Knowlege Any Programming Language

You should have prior knowledge of any programming language like C, Python, Java, etc. Because you should know how to program, how to write good logic to perform a particular task. Also, you should have knowledge of OOPS (Object Oriented Programming) concepts.

2. Knowledge of a DBMS Software

You should have knowledge of any DBMS software.  Even I will suggest you to learn any version of FoxPro or MS Access. Because Oracle is the RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) software and FoxPro and MS Access are also a DBMS (Database Management System) software. So, you will have a better understanding of the database by learning FoxPro or Access before Oracle.

3. Learn Linux or Unix Operating System

The reason is that Linux/Unix is a trustable operating system for security point of view as well as for its performance. That is why most companies choose Linux or Unix OS to run their Oracle Database applications. So you should have knowledge of any Linux OS version to interact with the Oracle database on the servers.