Transpose Matrix Example Using PHP

Transpose Matrix Example Using PHP

  • PHP
  • 2 mins read

The transpose of a matrix is a new matrix whose rows are columns of an original matrix. In this tutorial, you will learn through an example to implement transpose of a matrix using the PHP program. Here is an example of the transpose of a matrix:

Original Matrix - Transpose of a Matrix

1 2 3 1 4 7 
4 5 6 2 5 8
7 8 9 3 6 9


PHP Program to Implement The Transpose of a Matrix

echo "<b>The matrix is given below:-</b>"."<br>";
$a=array(array());//declaring the array
$rows=4; //number of rows
$cols=4; //number of columns
        echo $a[$i][$j]." ";
    echo "<br>";
echo "<b>The transpose of a matrix is given below:-</b>"."<br>";
        $a[$i][$j]=$a[$j][$i]; //assigning the values of elements of each column to each row
        echo $a[$i][$j]." ";
    echo "<br>"; //here this is creating a new line 


The matrix is given below:-
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
The transpose of a matrix is given below:-
1 5 9 13
5 6 10 14
9 10 11 15
13 14 15 16