Fix TypeError: string indices must be integers in Python

Fix TypeError: string indices must be integers in Python


In Python, accessing specific elements within a string is a common operation. However, attempting to access an index of a string value using a non-integer value can result in a TypeError: string indices must be integers error. This error message indicates that indices in Python must be integers and any attempt to use a non-integer value will result in an error. In this article, we'll explain the reasons behind this error, provide examples of how it can occur, and show you how to resolve it. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Python programmer, this article will help you understand and resolve this common error.

Example 1: Accessing a string using a non-integer index

word = "Hello"


TypeError: string indices must be integers

In the above example, we try to access the first character of the string "Hello" using the index 0.5. Since indices in Python must be integers, the code produces a TypeError.

Example 2: Using a variable of type float as an index

word = "Hello"
index = 0.5


TypeError: string indices must be integers

In this example, we assign a float value 0.5 to the variable index and then use that variable as an index for the string "Hello". Again, since the index must be an integer, the code produces a TypeError.

Resolving TypeError: string indices must be integers in Python

The solution to resolve the TypeError: string indices must be integers is simple: make sure that you are using an integer value as an index for the string. You can do this by using the int() function to convert a float or other non-integer value to an integer, like so:

word = "Hello"
index = 0.5
index = int(index)



In this example, we use the int() function to convert the float value 0.5 to the integer value 0, and then use that integer value as the index for the string "Hello". This code will now run without any errors.


The TypeError: string indices must be integers error occurs in Python when you try to access an index of a string value using a non-integer value. To resolve this error, make sure that you are using an integer value as the index, or use the int() function to convert a non-integer value to an integer before using it as an index.

See also: Fix Typeerror: list indices must be integers or slices, not str


What is the purpose of using an index in Python?

An index is used in Python to access specific elements within a data structure, such as a string, list, or tuple. The index provides a way to select a specific element based on its position within the data structure.

Can I use a negative index to access elements in a string in Python?

Yes, you can use negative indices to access elements in a string in Python. A negative index counts from the end of the string, with -1 being the last element, -2 being the second-to-last element, and so on.

Can I use a decimal or fractional value as an index for a string in Python?

No, you cannot use a decimal or fractional value as an index for a string in Python. Indices must be integers, and using a non-integer value will result in a TypeError: string indices must be integers error.