WLST Commands to Manage Portlet Producer in ADF

WLST Commands to Manage Portlet Producer in ADF

  • Blog
  • 3 mins read

Portlet producer connections are maintained in the ADF connections configuration, which is maintained in the connections.xml file. Any runtime changes made to this file are stored as customizations in the MDS repository.

Registration of portlet producer connections can be done either from EM or via WLST commands.

WLST Commands Description and Syntax to Manage Portlet Producer in ADF

The WLST commands to register, de-register, and manage portlet producers are based on the technology type of the producer. Following are some WLST commands to administer WSRP portlet producers:


The registerWSRPProducer command registers a WSRP portlet producer with a WebCenter application. This creates a connection to the WSRP portlet producer in the ADF connections framework.

When you create a WSRP producer connection, a Web Services connection is also created because the communication between the WSRP portlet consumer and producer is via Web Services. This Web Services connection is <name>-wsconn, where <name> is the portlet producer connection. The producer application needs to be up and reachable when this command is invoked. Here is the syntax for this command:

registerWSRPProducer(appName, name, url, [proxyHost], [proxyPort], [timeout], [externalApp], [registrationProperties], [tokenType], [issuer], [defUser], [keyStorePath], [keyStorePswd], [sigKeyAlias], [sigKeyPswd], [encKeyAlias], [enckeyPswd], [recptAlias], [enforcePolicyURI])


The command reregisterWSRPProducer removes a WSRP portlet producer connection already registered with an application. The syntax of this command is as follows:

dregisterWSRPProducer(appname, name)


The command setWSRPProducer can be used to edit registration details of an already registered WSRP producer. The syntax of this command is as follows:

setWSRPProducer(appName, name, [url], [proxyHost], [proxyPort], [timeout], [externalApp], [registrationProperties], [tokenType], [issuer], [defUser], [keyStorePath], [keyStorePswd], [sigKeyAlias], [sigKeyPswd], [encKeyAlias], [enckeyPswd], [recptAlias], [enforcePolicyURI])


The command listWSRPProducers lists all the WSRP producers registered with an application. The syntax of this command is as follows:

listWSRPProducers(appName, [name], [verbose])


The command listWSRPProducerRegistrationProperties lists the properties supported by a WSRP producer. The syntax of this command is as follows:

listWSRPProducerRegistrationProperties(appName, url, [proxyHost], [proxyPort])

The following are the WLST commands to register and set the properties for JPDK portlet producers:


The command registerPDKJavaProducer is used to create and register an Oracle PDK-Java Producer. For Oracle PDK-Java producers, an underlying URL connection is created that follows the naming convention connectionname-urlconn. The producer application needs to be up and running when this command is invoked. The syntax is as follows:

registerPDKJavaProducer(appName, name, url, [serviceId], [proxyHost], [proxyPort], [subscriberId], [sharedKey], [timeout], [establishSession], [externalApp], [mapUser])


The command deregisterPDKJavaProducer deregisters an Oracle PDK-Java producer that is already registered and deletes the associated connection, for a named WebCenter application. The syntax of this command is as follows:

deregisterPDKJavaProducer(appName, name)


The command setPDKJavaProducer is used to edit the properties of an already register PDK producer. The syntax of this command is as follows:

setPDKJavaProducer(appName, name url, [serviceId], [proxyHost], [proxyPort], [subscriberId], [sharedKey], [timeout], [establishSession], [externalApp], [mapUser])


The command listPDKJavaProducer lists all the WSRP producers registered with an application. The syntax of this command is as follows:

listPDKJavaProducer(appName, [name], [verbose])

See also: