Convert Number to String in Groovy

Convert Number to String in Groovy

  • Groovy
  • 1 min read

To convert a number to a string in Groovy, you can use the toString() method. This method is available on all numerical data types, such as int, double, and BigDecimal.

Convert Number to String Examples in Groovy

Here are some examples of using the toString() method to convert numbers to strings in Groovy:

// convert an int to a string
int num = 42;
String str = num.toString();
println("int: " + num + " -> string: " + str);  // prints "int: 42 -> string: 42"

// convert a double to a string
double d = 3.14159;
String str = d.toString();
println("double: " + d + " -> string: " + str);  // prints "double: 3.14159 -> string: 3.14159"

// convert a BigDecimal to a string
BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal("12345.6789");
String str = bd.toString();
println("BigDecimal: " + bd + " -> string: " + str);  // prints "BigDecimal: 12345.6789 -> string: 12345.6789"

In this example, the program converts each numerical data type to a string using the toString() method. Then, it prints the original value and the resulting string to the console using the println() method. This produces the output shown in the comments for each example.


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