How to Install SQLcl on windows?

How to Install SQLcl on windows?

Oracle SQLcl (Oracle SQL Developer Command Line) is a command line tool for Oracle Database. SQLcl has some nice features in comparison to SQL*PLUS such as in-line editing, statement completion, command recall, etc. Also, you can run your SQL*PLUS scripts with it. In this tutorial, I am giving a step by step guide to how to install SQLcl (version 18.3) on Windows 10.

Follow These Steps to Install SQLcl on Windows

Installation of SQLcl is quite simple. You only need to download, extract, and create a shortcut. Here are the detailed steps.

  1. Click on the following link to Download Oracle SQLcl from
  2. After completing the download, copy the ZIP file from Windows download folder and paste on the drive where you want to install, for example, C: or D: drive.
  3. Then do the right click on the SQLcl ZIP file and extract to the current directory.
  4. You will find an SQLcl folder on the drive.
  5. Double-click the folder to open it. You will find a BIN folder inside, double-click to open it.
  6. Then you will find an SQL.exe file, do the right-click on it and choose Sent to > Desktop (create shortcut) option from the shortcut menu.
  7. After that, locate the shortcut on the desktop you created and do the double-click to start SQLcl on Windows.

If you have Oracle client or Oracle Database installed on your system and TNSNAMES.ORA configured, then you can connect easily using SQLcl by proving username, password and Oracle service name. Else, you can connect directly by giving command line parameters as shown in the below example:

  1. Start Command prompt in Windows.
  2. Then change the current directory to SQLcl installation directory, for example, CD D:\SQLcl and press enter.
  3. Now run the following command to connect Oracle database using SQLcl without TNS configuration.
sql scott/tiger@//localhost:1521/orcl

Change the Scott/tiger with your Oracle username and password and change the localhost, port, and Oracle SID as well.

Read the following document for more SQLcl command reference.

See also: