How to Select Database in MySQL Workbench?

How to Select Database in MySQL Workbench?

  • Blog
  • 1 min read

To start work in MySQL using Workbench, first, you need to select a database, so that you can execute the DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements.

Follow These Steps to Select a Database in MySQL Workbench

  1. Open MySQL Workbench and connect to the instance.
  2. Then at the left navigation panel, select the Schemas tab.
  3. The database schemas will display in the Schemas tab, from which you can select a database in MySQL Workbench.
  4. Do the right click on any of the database schema displayed and from the shortcut menu, choose Set as Default Schema option as shown in the below image:

Screenshot: selecting database schema in MySQL Workbench.

Now the current database is set and you can execute the statements in the current database schema using MySQL Workbench.

See also: