Install Oracle SQL Developer 19.1 on Mac OS with JDK 8

Install Oracle SQL Developer 19.1 on Mac OS with JDK 8

In this tutorial, I am giving the steps to install Oracle SQL Developer 19.1 on Mac OS (Mojave) with JDK version 8.

Software Versions Used for this Demonstration

  • macOSMojave 10.14.4
  • JDK 8
  • Oracle SQL Developer 19.1

To install SQL developer on Mac, JDK 8 is required. So first download and install the JDK 8 as described in the below steps.

SQL Developer with JDK

1. Download and Install JDK 8

  1. Download JDK 8 from the following link JDK 8.
  2. After completing the download, double click the file named "jdk-8u211-macosx-x64.dmg" to begin the installation, as shown in the below image:

JDK 8 - Installation step 1

  1. Click on the Continue button, and in the next step click on the Install button.

JDK 8 Installation - step 3

  1. Then it will install and will give you the final message that the JDK 8 is installed successfully. Now click on the close button.

2. Download and Install Oracle SQL Developer 19.1

  1. Click on the following link to download Oracle SQL Developer 19.1.
  2. After completing the download, you will get the file named "". Unzip the file and you will get the file "SQLDeveloper".
  3. Move the file SQLDeveloper to the Applications folder and do the double click to start the Oracle SQL Developer.

Your installation of Oracle SQL Developer 19.1 with JDK 8 is complete.

See also: